All shares representing the total capital of Grifols, S.A. are listed in the 4 Spanish Stock Exchanges: Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia and Bilbao and in the Continuous Market or S.I.B.E.
Number of shares issued: 426,129,798
Ticker: GRF
ISIN code: ES0171996087
Bloomberg ID code: GRF:SM
Reuters ID code: GRLS.MC
Par value (euros): 0.25
Both share classes are represented in book-entry from, governed by the Securities Market Law ("Ley de Mercado de Valores") and such other provisions as may be applicable. The book-entry registry shall be maintained by Sociedad de Gestión de los Sistemas de Registro S.A. (Iberclear) and its participant entities.
The company only knows the identity of its shareholders through the information that they freely communicate to it or in compliance with applicable regulations, as well as through the information provided by Iberclear and its subsidiary interests.